Thursday, May 21, 2015

Assassins Creed: PLOT TWIST

Today i went to an event going on inside our student recreational center called " Source" which is a huge fair with a bunch of different classes where scholars, researchers and students present their projects. I attended the Women's Society of today seminar where my first presentation was a young student here at CWU talking about the female presence in video games.

Assassins Creed is one of the best selling video games today and she demonstrated her praise of the story line behind the game. She presents how females don't have a easy way of being accepted in the video game culture because they have never have a dominant role in games. She showed us her love for creating costumes from different games that are for girls and while she was showing off the different products she's done I noticed she was wearing a costume that was a spin off of what the main character in Assassins Creed is wearing.

I loved her enthusiasm and pro activeness of helping change the face of video games and females being in them.

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